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Everyone’s doing face masks these days -- from peel off sheets, to wash off clays, to masks made from actual gold! There’s something for everyone -- even those of us who like to get our hands dirty with a little DIY. Let’s check out 3 face mask recipes you can make with ingredients you probably already have at home!

1. Honeyed Yogurt and Banana Face Mask

Bananas are rich in antioxidants that may help reduce signs of aging. Yogurt is a probiotic which has been proven to reduce certain bacteria and fungi that live on the skin and cause puffiness and red patches. Honey is more than just sweet -- it’s actually a natural antibacterial agent to fight acne and other blemishes!

You’ll Need:

  • ¼ cup of plain yogurt, preferably greek
  • 2 tbsps honey
  • 1 large banana

Mash the ingredients together in a bowl until well combined. Add an even layer of the mixture to your freshly cleaned face and neck and allow to sit for 10-20 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Pat dry to avoid irritating your skin.

2. Vegan Avocado Face Mask

Avocados are a powerhouse of healthy fats for soft, dewy skin. Pair that with the exfoliating powers of lemon juice and you’ve got a vegan face mask that will leave you with plump, brightened skin.

You’ll Need:

  • ½ a ripe avocado
  • 1 tsp of lemon juice

Mash up the avocado and lime juice together so it’s a smooth mixture -- you may want to even consider using a blender for maximum creaminess! Then slather on a thick layer to your face and neck and let sit at least 10 minutes and up to 20. Then wash off with warm water and gently dry.

3. Pumpkin Face Mask

This easy concoction comes together in minutes and is perfect for brightening dull skin. The secrets are the enzymes in pumpkin that break down dead skin cells to be sloughed away in the rinse and the gourd’s natural collagen boosting properties!

You’ll Need:

  • ¼ cup of pumpkin puree
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon

Combine the ingredients in a bowl until it’s evenly mixed and smooth. Apply an even amount to your face and let sit for 10-15 minutes before washing off with warm water. Then, look in the mirror and admire your fresh new glow!

What are some of YOUR favorite DIY face mask recipes? Have you ever tried any of the ones we’ve shared here today? We wanna hear what you have to say -- leave a comment below to let us know what you think! Plus, don’t forget to like and share!

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